Monday, October 15, 2007

Do I Miss Home?

Quite a few people from both the states and from Aberdeen have asked if I miss home. Therefore I want to do my best to address the question by answering it yes and no. I do miss some of the relationships I have with people back in the states. However, I know that I will be back in what is now unbelievably only nine weeks. I came here with the purpose in mind to really search who I was and reflect on where I am in life. More importantly I wanted to have some time away from all of my commitments to just listen to God and actually focus on hearing from Him. It has really been a great experience. Also between the basketball team and Christian Union, I feel like I am just an ordinary student at a greater distance. I am sure that by the time I get ready to go home I will be missing some of the friends I have made here. Although, I am fortunate that at least some of those friends will be coming back to the states with me. Finally, technology has made being away so simply. I have daily access to the internet and can easily stay in touch with people. So while yes I miss people and relationships I have in the states, I don’t miss home. And I certainly do not regret being here. I am having an absolutely fabulous time.

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