Thursday, October 25, 2007


I have been to quite a few churches now and have experienced some amazing times of musical worship. Thus far almost all of it has been in a style very close to that of any independent or evangelical church in the United States that I have been to. The biggest difference is that there is a slightly larger use of the hymns. Although, rarely are the hymns sung out of a hymnal or in the “old” style, but rather with new lively rhythms.
My favorite place of musical worship (here on referred to as worship) has been Garrod Street Baptist Church. It is not that the music is necessarily any better or that I have felt more welcomed. It is that in the front of the church instead of a cross, stained glass, or any other typical adornment; is merely huge gold painted letters that read in all caps JESUS STOOD IN THE MIDST. I just love walking in and being reminded that He walked in with me, is standing in the midst, and will walk right back out with me.
The following few paragraphs will be my thoughts on a few of my favorite songs thus far.
The first of those is Almighty God by Tim Hughes. My first thought when I heard this song was that the praise team at Northside Student Ministry would enjoy singing it. However, it is the chorus of this song that has me going: “Almighty God, in every way, You are above and beyond understanding, If we did not praise, the rocks would cry out, Glorious God, high above understanding.” I just love thinking about the fact that if we did not praise him the rocks would be willing to cry out. It just makes you wonder why we are not willing to drop to our knees in praise, when the reality is that an inanimate object wishes it could cry out to praise the one who created it all.
The second song that has me going is Lost in Wonder by Martyn Layzell. This was the song that I thought sounded like something nearly everyone I knew would love to sing. The theme of the song is He chose the cross. It is a very personal song. My only qualm with it is the lyric, “A crown of thorns You wore for us” The reality is that God sent his son to die for us. However, Christ did not die for us, but rather for his Father’s glory. I love the fact that other than that one line there is no mention of us, but merely His obedience to the cross. The only person he obeyed was his father. I know all of these songs can be found on Google if you are interested.
I have already stated that they sing more hymns over here. I have sung When I Survey the Wonderful Cross on many occasions in the past, however I am beginning to appreciate this song more and more. I particularly like the third verse, which is rarely sang in the United States. “Forbid it, Lord, that I should boast, Save in the death of Christ my God: All the vain things that charm me most, I sacrifice them to His blood.” I don’t know, I guess I am just able to sit and listen more here and it is quite nice. It is the first time in a while that I have the freedom not to have to help with the service in any way. I am not saying I have been restricted from worship in the past, but rather that I can simply sit and listen better while I am here.
The final song that just has me mesmerized is Be Thou My Vision. This is not a song that is sung a lot here, despite its obvious Irish origin, but I just love it. Once again it is the last verse that I like the best. “High King of heaven, my victory won, May I reach heaven's joys, O bright heav'ns Son! Heart of my own heart, whatever befall, Still be my vision, O ruler of all.” I love singing loudly, not my victory to win, but my victory won. I hope that I continue to grasp what it means to be of one heart beat with the Son of Heaven. That is when I experience glory and victory.
However, I will add one more song. I have never sung this song here or in America, but my favorite song is In Christ Alone as performed by Adrienne Liesching and Geoff Moore. The music and lyrics surpass everything I have heard recently. It gets straight to the point and lays out the gospel. It makes it clear from beginning to end that Christ is the chief cornerstone. If you have never heard it you should.
Well, I hope you have enjoyed my thoughts on some of the music I have heard thus far. I may have more at another time, but this will suffice for now.