Thursday, November 1, 2007

Illegal Immigration and Inglish as an Official Languge

I know, I am awful cynical today. Sorry, it is the way I fell be at the moment. I currently am sitting in my flat (dorm) and am listening to my flat mates and their friends eating dinner just down the hall. There are Germans, Polish, Finish, and Scottish people in my flat. In addition there are those from Italy and the Netherlands here tonight. I and the Scottish kid are the only ones that can claim English as their primary language. These students are here for two purposes. First to advance their education. That may be in mathematics, engineering, history, ext. Their second purpose is to learn English. They greatly respect the fact that they are in an English speaking country. They never speak a foreign language while in my presence if they can help it. The only exception is if one of them discovers what I am trying to say and uses his native language to explain it to someone else present. They greatly value their own culture and they respect mine. I only wish this were the case when I arrive back home in the United States. The reality is that those who illegally (I call an act of war) cross our borders, in hundreds of thousands every year, don't come here to learn our language or respect the rest of us. Instead they merely come to gain financial gain and send it back to there native land. It must be stressed I am referring to illegals and not those who do care and have taken the time to prosper legally (those I much appreciate and welcome with open arms). This topic really became interesting to me when I was talking about it in my counseling course. It was the first time the two people I was working with (who were from Scotland and the Ferrel Islands) had ever heard that America did not have a national language. They couldn't believe that was true. Well, I know it and I still can not believe it is true. Well, I will finish here and simply say Huckabee is the man.


Anonymous said...

Couldn't have said it any better myself! Seems so straight-forward that I cannot comprehend why others can't get it either.

Indeed - Huckabee may be the man!


Anonymous said...

What will you do for Thanksgiving? Any of the Americans getting together for a little turkey? I assume you will have class that day as usual. And now that you have brought up politics, do the Scottish seem to have a negative opinion of the U.S. government or do they even care about what is going on over here?

Anonymous said...

Thanksgiving? Doing anything? Do they have a day that is similiar any other time of the year?

Anonymous said...

You still there?

Anonymous said...

Inglish???? Bloss, may I please be your editor should you ever have a job that requires any sort of writing?